Nancy Amidei
The University of Washington is pleased to announce that the inaugural recipient of the UW Distinguished Retiree Excellence in Community Service Award is Nancy Amidei, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, School of Social Work, in recognition of her dedication to teaching citizens to advocate effectively with their elected officials.
Professor Amidei retired from the UW in 2008. As a UW faculty member from 1992 to 2008, Amidei taught classes in the School of Social Work that, among other topics, explored the role of political advocacy as a tool for promoting social justice. She was a founder of the Partnership for Youth, which supports efforts to provide shelter, food, clothing and health care for homeless youth in the University District. She also founded the Civic Engagement Project, offering advocacy training, workshops and resource materials to individuals and groups seeking information about how to become engaged in working with elected officials. She has continued and expanded upon this work in her retirement.