Explore the Center for Wooden Boats

Go behind the scenes with a guided tour of the Center for Wooden Boats. Explore the campus, hear about the activities of the Center, and see some programs in action — including boat building!

Spots remain in the 1:30 session. In each session, groups will experience the tour as well as some independent time to visit the campus, see the Maritime Mosaic exhibit in the Wagner Educational Center, or spend time in Lake Union Park at the Historic Ships Wharf.

Optional add-on: Arrive at 10:45 for an 11:00 group walk. Sharon Frucci will lead the walk on the shoreline trails along the southeast side of Lake Union for about 2.25 miles, beginning and ending at the Center for Wooden Boats. Wear comfortable shoes, dress for the weather, and bring water. You can then head straight to the 12:30 tour or take yourself to lunch at the MOHAI cafe before the 1:30 tour.

The Center for Wooden Boats promotes northwest maritime heritage through education, interpretation and hands-on experience in building, maintaining and using historic small craft.

Experience maritime heritage like never before. From the living fleet in the water, to the dynamic gallery and boat shop happenings, there’s always an adventure to be had at CWB. Wagner Education Center allows you to view CWB’s vast collection.

Accessibility Notes: You will be touring in an ADA-friendly environment, but part of the tour is on docks that may rock gently if there is wave action in the area. Wear comfortable, non-slippery shoes.