Interest Groups

UWRA members organize interest groups to learn, explore, build skills and connect with other members.

These volunteer-led groups are a great place for retirees to reconnect with colleagues, share interests and experiences, and expand their horizons. New members are always welcome in any of our interest groups.

Additionally, members of the UW Retirement Association and the UW Faculty Auxiliary (UWFA) are welcome to participate in each others’ interest groups. You can learn about UWFA’s groups on their website.

Got an Idea for a New Group?

We are always looking for new interest groups! Email us at with your suggestions.


A book club where everyone reads the book! The UWRA Book Review group meets virtually on Zoom from September through June. Discussions are lively, with participants who retired from roles all over the University bringing a wide variety of knowledge, experience, and opinions. To get a sense for the group, you can find the books that have been selected for past meetings, and recent recommendations from the group. You can also see the current, and upcoming, selections on our event calendar.

Want to get involved? Email UWRA at and we’ll connect you with the group.



The UWRA Birding group meets one Tuesday each month for half- or full-day local field trips. Transportation is by carpool. A typical trip is 12-20 people; a few are accomplished birders but most are learners. Beginners are welcome! Members should bring their own binoculars. This short video with clips from the birders’ past outings will give you a sense of the group’s activities. More information on the basics of birding is posted on our So You Think You Want to Try Birding program page.

Want to get involved? Email UWRA at and we’ll connect you with the group.



The Bridge Group is currently on hiatus. We expect the group to return in a few months. The group meets on the first Monday of the month for three to four tables of contract bridge, followed by lunch. New players are always welcome, although the group is not able to accommodate beginners. Basic knowledge of bridge is required.

Want to get involved? Email UWRA at and we’ll connect you with the group leader, who will ensure everyone has a spot in a foursome.



No agenda, no commitment — just a group of UW retirees who enjoy gathering to chat with old and new friends. Bring your UWRA membership card if you’d like to do some shopping while you’re there and take advantage of the Book Store’s first Tuesday 20% discount on books and other merchandise.

Want to get involved? No need to register or formally join — just show up on the first Tuesday of the month, head to the Boon Boona cafe inside the Book Store and look for the UWRA sign on a table near the back!



The Hi-Lites Garden Club is for the active gardener and the gardener at heart who likes to share their experience and learn from each other!

Want to get involved? Email UWRA at and we’ll connect you with the group.